πŸš€ New Feature Update: Broadcast Failures Auto-Retry

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Increase your WhatsApp broadcast ROI and reduce message failure rates with our new auto-retry functionality.

🌟 Why This Matters

Previously, if messages failed, you had to track them manually, download the list of failed numbers, duplicate the broadcast, and resend it to those contacts. Our new feature automates this, saving you time and improving your campaign success rates.

πŸ‘₯ Who Will Benefit?

Marketers managing WhatsApp broadcast campaigns will find this feature useful in overcoming Meta’s frequency capping and ensuring effective message delivery.

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πŸ” Key Features

  • Retry Setup: You can configure up to 3 retries for your broadcast campaigns directly on the Test & Schedule Page in Broadcast Setup.
  • Retry Configuration: In the "Retry on Message Failures" section, set up retries, specifying intervals in days or hours.
  • Edit or Delete Retries: You can modify or remove retries before they run as needed.
  • Post-Broadcast Retries: Add retries to completed broadcasts with failed contacts, ensuring no message is left behind.
  • Detailed Stats: Access stats for each retry, including "Delivered" and "Failed" messages.
  • Clone Support: Cloning a broadcast now includes all associated retries, simplifying campaign setup.

🎯 Benefits for You

  • Automated Resends: Automatically rerun failed broadcasts, eliminating manual tracking.
  • Improved ROI: Higher delivery rates enhance your broadcast ROI.
  • Better Engagement: Ensure your audience receives your messages, improving engagement and satisfaction.

Broadcast Failures Auto-Retry feature will enhance your marketing ROI and improve communication outcomes.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to your feedback!

What do you think about this update?